Friday, May 17, 2013

Paybacks are EVIL!

In reference to my Mother's Day Woes post, I am one silly girl! All the worrying and sadness for nothing. My boyfriend really does LOVE me! Come to find out, he was messing with my head the whole time just to pay me back for messing with him! Crazy boy! How dare you!! 

So the story goes a little something like this... 

A few weeks ago, we heard that Marilyn Manson is coming to town. The boyfriend has been DYING to go to one of his concerts so he asked if I could buy him a ticket the morning they went on sale because the show would get sold out quick. He had to work so he couldn't do it himself. Having every intention of ordering one for him, I thought it would be funny to mess with his head. HA! I told him they were too expensive and I didn't really want to spend that kind of money on ONE ticket (It was $50! Stupid online convenience fees!) Even though I had already ordered and paid for it, he was under the impression that I didn't get one for him. This went on for a few hours and already almost half of the tickets had been sold so he was freaking out on how I was taking too long and that they were going to sell out anytime and he wasn't going to get to go. He eventually got mad and that's when I knew I had to tell him. I punked him GOOD! 

So fast forward to Mother's Day... 

The beginning of my day sucked. I had to get up early and work all day and everyone except my boyfriend told me Happy Mother's Day. So right off I was bummed. Then as the day goes on, I am completely under the impression he didn't get me anything or do anything special. (I wasn't asking for much, just a little something special) So that evening, we head over to my mother's place to have dinner and give her gift to her. I had to do some extra online work for my WAHJ so my boyfriend went to pick my older kids up from their dad's. While he was gone, my mother and I talked about whether or not I had gotten anything for Mother's Day and how I was kinda sad and blah blah. She even asked me if I did something to him that deserved a payback. I completely forgot that i played with his head! FACEPALM! When the kids came back, they both had presents for me! I was shocked and kicking myself for being so lame! He did go all out for me and I was a whiny spoiled brat for NOTHING! I LOVE HIM!! And boy did he get me GOOD too!! I hate paybacks!! 

I ended up having the perfect Mother's Day surrounded by those I love! 

In addition to that, my wonderful gifts were:

Earrings and a Bracelet!! 

Both match the necklace I already had! 


1. I worry too much about the big things and need to focus more on all the small things that TRULY matter! 

2. If you are going to punk someone, DON'T forget about it! Payback will come around the corner eventually! 

What did YOU get/do for Mother's Day?


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It's definitely a mommy’s life for me. I’ll be honest, It’s all I've ever known in my adult life. Starting with the terrifying realization that I was harboring life inside me the summer before my senior year, continuing through two more amazing babies, all while traveling down this crazy road called life. Which has been full of some amazing ups, trying downs, and unpredictable splashes in between. 

Sound familiar? Join me on my journey! Fair warning- I definitely don’t have all the answers (still working on that self-cleaning house thing) I leave dishes in the sink, and laundry on the floor in the bathroom more than I would like to admit, but to me, that’s OK! Perfection isn’t even on my radar. Keeping this crazy ship afloat is about figuring out the good, the bad, and the ugly while raising some awesome kids who know a little bit about hard work, sacrifice, and love while keeping the grey hairs at bay! 

I've always wanted to create a tiny place for moms like me: the imperfect ones (AKA all moms- but we’re just the ones humble enough to admit it) to come in from the crazy, kick up their virtual feet and figure this out together. While I know I NEED advice on some things, I also firmly believe I can share my experiences with teen pregnancy, divorce, single mommy-hood, and working from home to aide you in keeping the crazy to a fun level!