Monday, March 25, 2013

The Challenge

I have decided that it is time to come out and share with the world that I have joined the Body by Vi challenge. This is actually my third week into in it and much to my disappointment, I have not noticed any changes yet. Which is why I am reaching out to all of you. I need some tips, tricks, ideas, anything! My snacks are now healthier and I drink two shakes a day and yet I got nothing to show for it. 
Even though it's quite frustrating, I am not giving up yet though. I am lucky to have a friend, +Jera Fowler,  who has already done one challenge and just started another and she has given me some tips and ideas. She made an amazing transformation with her first challenge. Definitely an inspiration to me! She is the reason I joined this challenge. 
By reaching out to all of you, I am hoping that my motivation and dedication will get a swift kick in the butt! As of right now, I have around 60lbs that I want to lose. Darn kids! I am going to quit being so hush hush about my stats and fill you guys all in on my secrets. I am hoping this, too, will help me on my journey. 

So, here goes... 

Current weight: 195
Arms: 13.5
Waist: 35.5
Abs: 44
Hips: 50
Thighs: 28

All that is just awful!! 
Now that my stats are out there, I am going to try even harder to have some success with this program. 

Good luck to me!!

You can join me on this challenge if you like! 


  1. Thank you doll! Hopefully we both will find new and much needed motivation!! I need to start exercising or walking or something!!

    1. You're very welcome!! I would love to start walking. We need to make a schedule or something.. Would be great!


It's definitely a mommy’s life for me. I’ll be honest, It’s all I've ever known in my adult life. Starting with the terrifying realization that I was harboring life inside me the summer before my senior year, continuing through two more amazing babies, all while traveling down this crazy road called life. Which has been full of some amazing ups, trying downs, and unpredictable splashes in between. 

Sound familiar? Join me on my journey! Fair warning- I definitely don’t have all the answers (still working on that self-cleaning house thing) I leave dishes in the sink, and laundry on the floor in the bathroom more than I would like to admit, but to me, that’s OK! Perfection isn’t even on my radar. Keeping this crazy ship afloat is about figuring out the good, the bad, and the ugly while raising some awesome kids who know a little bit about hard work, sacrifice, and love while keeping the grey hairs at bay! 

I've always wanted to create a tiny place for moms like me: the imperfect ones (AKA all moms- but we’re just the ones humble enough to admit it) to come in from the crazy, kick up their virtual feet and figure this out together. While I know I NEED advice on some things, I also firmly believe I can share my experiences with teen pregnancy, divorce, single mommy-hood, and working from home to aide you in keeping the crazy to a fun level!