Friday, March 8, 2013

Mixed Emotions

It's obvious my 9 year old son has a focus problem but I still want to be oblivious to it. No mother wants to see their child struggle when deep down they know their child has full potential. It's hard having to yell at him day after day just to get his homework done. Who takes 5 hours to do 4 pages of school work?! It saddens me as I watch him get even more upset because now he has missed out on play time because he took too long on his work. It breaks my heart to have to constantly be on him to focus but his grades are falling and I can see his confidence slipping away too.

I have decided it's time to take a different route on this issue and as much as I hate the idea of possibly having to medicate him, I am willing to try for his sake more than mine. He's such a smart and charming little man and he knows it but he's starting to think I hate him from constantly being on him. So I have got to do something. He has an appointment next week and I am quite nervous for him. Possibly more nervous for myself. This is all heartbreaking even though I know it's nothing really major. 

I give thanks to a dear friend who has given  me some advice on all this as her son is struggling too. She suggested Karate, as it's an alternative for behavior therapy, to help him focus on concentrating and Tenex, a Non-Stimulant medication if he has to have one. At this point, I am willing to try anything and everything! 

I am definitely open for advice, tips, anything! I am ready to have my confident, cheerful, happy boy back!! 


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It's definitely a mommy’s life for me. I’ll be honest, It’s all I've ever known in my adult life. Starting with the terrifying realization that I was harboring life inside me the summer before my senior year, continuing through two more amazing babies, all while traveling down this crazy road called life. Which has been full of some amazing ups, trying downs, and unpredictable splashes in between. 

Sound familiar? Join me on my journey! Fair warning- I definitely don’t have all the answers (still working on that self-cleaning house thing) I leave dishes in the sink, and laundry on the floor in the bathroom more than I would like to admit, but to me, that’s OK! Perfection isn’t even on my radar. Keeping this crazy ship afloat is about figuring out the good, the bad, and the ugly while raising some awesome kids who know a little bit about hard work, sacrifice, and love while keeping the grey hairs at bay! 

I've always wanted to create a tiny place for moms like me: the imperfect ones (AKA all moms- but we’re just the ones humble enough to admit it) to come in from the crazy, kick up their virtual feet and figure this out together. While I know I NEED advice on some things, I also firmly believe I can share my experiences with teen pregnancy, divorce, single mommy-hood, and working from home to aide you in keeping the crazy to a fun level!