Monday, February 9, 2015

Nadine West: A new way to shop!

Every girl loves to shop, right?! 


Well, at least not this girl. I absolutely HATE it. :(

Nothing brings out anxiety in me like shopping for clothes. Seriously. Every time I go clothes shopping it's like war. When I find something I like, it's either not my size or doesn't fit right and when I find something in my size, I don't like it. And don't forget the dressing rooms. They are EVIL. Trying on clothes just to hate them and get super depressed over it is a complete waste of time. To me anyhow. And with 3 kids, my time is precious. 99% of the time I go shopping for clothes, I leave the stores empty handed and upset. Frustrating.

Are you in the same boat as me? Do you hate shopping too? What if I told you there was a way to end the frustration?! Believe it or not, there is!! :)

I was browsing the internet and stumbled upon this amazing website: Nadine West 

Shopping brought to you. No leaving the house and no dressing rooms!! NO MORE FRUSTRATION!!! 

Personalized outfits straight to your door with NOTHING out of your pocket unless you decide to keep something.  No joke. Every month Nadine West will send you a surprise package with some awesome goodies for FREE and you decide if you want to purchase all of it, some of it or nothing at all. If you decide to return anything, just send it back for FREE!! You only pay for what you keep. 
This is a win/win for sure!

So you're skeptical. I was too. But since it was free, I signed up anyways. I was curious to see what they would send and if I would like it or not. Low and behold, I received my first package today!! Talk about exciting stuff! I couldn't wait to see what was in my pretty pink package! :) And pretty it was!!

I received a gorgeous shirt that I instantly fell in love with! (which was weird because I would never had picked it out for myself at the store) The color looked amazing on me. I was pretty shocked, My closet has blacks, whites and grays. This was a little out of my comfort zone but I LOVED it! Best part of all, I was in the comfort of my own home to try it on!! :)


I also got a cute belt bracelet that just wasn't quite me. I'm not huge on bulky jewelry. Yes, it was cute but not for me. 

The last thing I got was a pair of leaf earrings. I really like them and can't decide if I want to keep them or return them! Oh the struggles!

All in all, I was very pleased with my package. I am definitely keeping the shirt!! Still debating on the earrings and returning the bracelet. I can't wait for my next package! This has made shopping a whole new game for me!! Who knew that could have happened!! :)

Me and my new FAVE shirt!! (don't mind my face)

Want the convenience of trying clothes on in your own home and getting surprise packages in the mail?! Come on over and join me at Nadine West today!! 


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It's definitely a mommy’s life for me. I’ll be honest, It’s all I've ever known in my adult life. Starting with the terrifying realization that I was harboring life inside me the summer before my senior year, continuing through two more amazing babies, all while traveling down this crazy road called life. Which has been full of some amazing ups, trying downs, and unpredictable splashes in between. 

Sound familiar? Join me on my journey! Fair warning- I definitely don’t have all the answers (still working on that self-cleaning house thing) I leave dishes in the sink, and laundry on the floor in the bathroom more than I would like to admit, but to me, that’s OK! Perfection isn’t even on my radar. Keeping this crazy ship afloat is about figuring out the good, the bad, and the ugly while raising some awesome kids who know a little bit about hard work, sacrifice, and love while keeping the grey hairs at bay! 

I've always wanted to create a tiny place for moms like me: the imperfect ones (AKA all moms- but we’re just the ones humble enough to admit it) to come in from the crazy, kick up their virtual feet and figure this out together. While I know I NEED advice on some things, I also firmly believe I can share my experiences with teen pregnancy, divorce, single mommy-hood, and working from home to aide you in keeping the crazy to a fun level!