Monday, May 20, 2013

Are We Equal?!

Photo: So true...LIKE this if you can relate!

Being a SAHM is tough and being a WAHM is even tougher! Why can't dads get that through their heads?! Or at least my boyfriend? I feel like I am constantly drowning in this mumble jumble of everything I have to do. From trying to balance 3 jobs (which is between 43-52 hours a week), dealing with 3 kids (one that stays home with me), dinner, laundry, housework, etc, I feel like I can't see straight! I'm not trying to say that my boyfriend does nothing, he works up to 40 hours a week. Now, this is where my equality question comes into play. He says we are "equal" because his job is more physical. 

This whole conversation comes derives from an incident over the weekend. So let me fill you in!

I worked 35 hours total on my 2 work at home jobs and then I worked 8 1/2 hours on Saturday and Sunday at my serving job. That equals 52 hours! Yeah, I was whooped even if it wasn't very physical. Now, the boyfriend works construction; yes, it's very physical, I know! BUT, he had 3 days off this week and the whole weekend. That equals 16 hours for him. 

Are we equal yet?! Didn't think so! 

So, Saturday, after busting my ass for 8 1/2 hours, I come home to a completely TRASHED house. Guess what he did all day!? Absolutely freaking nothing! He literally laid on the couch ALL damn day! Yea, it ticked me off. Wouldn't it you? Let me add, he didn't do too much on his 3 days off either! Granted his was sick 1 day but he other 2, not so much. He did clean the house while I worked and whatnot but he didn't go above and beyond.

I couldn't keep my mouth shut, at that point I had worked 43 hours and honestly felt he could have helped A LOT more! Am I in the wrong here?? Well, our conversation didn't go so well. He accused me of accusing him of doing nothing around here and that so was not my point. I just expected him to do more since I had to work more along with everything else I had to do. Yea, that didn't happen, I ended up doing the housework for that day. 

He even accused me of not doing anything during the day while he worked!! EXCUSE ME, but hello!!! I work all day too WHILE taking care of the baby AND picking up the house, doing laundry, etc!! So, yea I don't feel like I should have to do it ALL by myself and leave some for him to do. It's exhausting! 

Sunday was a better day thank goodness! I did come home to a clean house :) Again, I never said he didn't do anything! Is it wrong of me to wish he did more?

I know he helps out and cooks occasionally and stuff like that but I deal with a baby while working, do all the laundry, most of the cooking, deal with homework, most of the cleaning, making sure kids are where they need to be for sports, remember everything that needs to be done and when, pay the bills, etc. My list goes on and on while his lists consists of work, mowing/yard work, some cooking and cleaning, and helping with the baby. 

Are we equal yet?! Didn't think so!

I know we will never be completely equal and as a mom, I know I will always do more but am I in the wrong here? I mean, I am still fuming that he thinks we are equal because his job in more physical. Come on now, I work more hours and have a lot more on my plate! This physical shit can shove it! What about the mental part of it all?! My brain hurts from it all! 

If you are a /SAHMWAHM, please fill me in on how you keep it all together without losing it all because I am about to break!


  1. I believe this is the never-ending argument of the WAHM. The discussion never ends and we will never 'win'.

    1. Yes I know that it will never end and I don't really expect to 'win'. I just want to be more of a team. I wish they knew half of what I had to do/remember/think of/etc. :)


It's definitely a mommy’s life for me. I’ll be honest, It’s all I've ever known in my adult life. Starting with the terrifying realization that I was harboring life inside me the summer before my senior year, continuing through two more amazing babies, all while traveling down this crazy road called life. Which has been full of some amazing ups, trying downs, and unpredictable splashes in between. 

Sound familiar? Join me on my journey! Fair warning- I definitely don’t have all the answers (still working on that self-cleaning house thing) I leave dishes in the sink, and laundry on the floor in the bathroom more than I would like to admit, but to me, that’s OK! Perfection isn’t even on my radar. Keeping this crazy ship afloat is about figuring out the good, the bad, and the ugly while raising some awesome kids who know a little bit about hard work, sacrifice, and love while keeping the grey hairs at bay! 

I've always wanted to create a tiny place for moms like me: the imperfect ones (AKA all moms- but we’re just the ones humble enough to admit it) to come in from the crazy, kick up their virtual feet and figure this out together. While I know I NEED advice on some things, I also firmly believe I can share my experiences with teen pregnancy, divorce, single mommy-hood, and working from home to aide you in keeping the crazy to a fun level!