I am so excited to share my review for the Ivory® 2-IN-1 Hair & Body Wash! Thanks to +Influenster I was able to test this product out!
My first thoughts on the Ivory® 2-IN-1 Hair & Body Wash was that the smell was great! I was excited to use it. I was in high hopes that this would work for the whole family and save us on time and space.
Knowing two in ones typically don't work on my hair, I was curious to how this would work out.
During the shower, it lathered like crazy! More than my original body wash does. It lathered so much that some flung into my eye. :( Which leads me to my first bad point. Its not tear free by any means so I wouldn't use it for washing a baby's hair.
As I start to wash my hair, it made my hair feel kind of weird. I really don't know how to explain it. But it didn't make it soft at all. It felt somewhat stringy. I have a lot of hair and I need something that will smooth it out and make it really soft and tangle free. Down fall number two for this product.
However, washing my body was a complete different story. This is a GREAT body wash! Something the whole family can use because we all loved the smell! It is even gentle enough for a baby's skin (just not eyes). Even though I don't see my son using it (he needs "man" soap) and I still need my conditioner, it is still something that would save money on not having to buy a bunch of different body washes.
*I did not use this for her hair, but you can see the lather on her body!*
To sum it up, there are pros and cons to this product, as there is with any product.
My Pros: Great lather, smell, body wash
My Cons: Bad hair product, not tear free
To learn more about Ivory and the Ivory® 2-IN-1 Hair & Body Wash, check out this video and like them on Facebook!!
Disclaimer: I have received this product complimentary from Influenster.! :)
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